Monday, October 18, 2010

Amazing free stuff - Google Sketchup and OpenOffice!

Hello again! It's been a while... I've been extremely busy with a huge college project. It culminated in one sleepless night and one nearly-sleepless one, after more than two weeks of full 9-5 workdays. And THEN I had a gig at the Octopus Garden until 3am... Ouch! But it was still a really awesome gig, as usual. The vibe is always awesome, and I get to really have fun with the music.

The Project:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Making Music: Five Unusual Sources of Inspiration

Here is an unusual list of ideas and suggestions for anyone struggling to find musical inspiration. There are loads of good and popular ideas out there (Google is your friend) but these are some of the more unusual ones that nobody ever suggested to me. They might apply to you, even if the inspiration you seek is not musical at all (artistic perhaps?), but I won't guarantee it!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Earthdance 2010: it blew me away!

First off welcome to the new blog! It's a space for music news and other cool things, with a focus on quality rather than quantity, and your honest thoughts and opinions are also welcome. Anyway... Earthdance!